Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ymtmng In My Computer System

Ymtmng is a stubborn and disturbing file rather a malware that affects your internet explorer and also replicates into more files when executed. On the screen of your computer it is in zip file with the name Ymtmng. This file usually hides in the windows directory comouflaged as one of the useful windows executable files. Upon running the internet explorer it will redirect you to download a specific file in the form of checkcc.exe or other funny names used to rename it, etc, which is a dangerous package created to destroy your system. Not only it is used by its creator as a spyware to monitor your system or rather people's information also damage them. 

The corrupted internet explorer clones itself into more on your monitor screen. It's very abnoxious to the operation of your system as it creates more root in the system registry. The more you try to delete it from the registry editor the more it creates links on My Computer with the same name at the same spot without you noticing it is creating more of the same file. If you are experiencing such problem, there is solution to help your remove the file from your system and it is not surprising to know that it's more or less in the group of malware/spyware like tazebama, other trojans,etc. The following steps will be of help to those who are experiencing this problem.

Step 1: Don't run your explorer from the internet explorer icon on your monitor screen. Simply click on My Documents and type so that the explorer can link you up rightly to google website search-page.

Step 2: On the google search-page type process explorer download into the search engine bar and click search. After downloading the file try and run it. Youy can simply download it from the link: . Unzip it and run it.

Image of Process Explorer

Step 3: The process explorer will help you not only to point to other dangerous files in your system but also carry out analytical processes of those files.

Image of system information of CPU

Step 4: Use the process explorer to delete the tree of the file Ymtmng from your sytem and then go into your windows files folder by clicking My Computer on the screen of your monitor -->Hard disk(Your local disk C:) --> Windows-->System32 . You will find it among the files in the folder system32. You can quickly do this by higlighting any file there and continously depressing the y key of your keyboard until you are taken to Ymtmng file.

Step 5: Right-click on the Ymtmng file and delete, click ok and it will easily be deleted this time from your system. Put off your computer to reboot and you will see that it is gone.

You can as well use the Task Manager to remove the exe file before going about removing it from the windows system32 folder.

Note: Ymtmng and Tazebama seem to have originated from thesame source.