Saturday, November 12, 2016

How To Enable Share Feature In Windows 10

Most people participating in the Insider Preview program know the list of components which made up the operating systems are fundamental to the full experience when using it. Despite that, the core components which are rather more important to the system functionality can have a bad effect on the whole operation when they are changed. These are the system components you are not usually allowed to modified due to their intricate nature. But, you can always effect changes by enabling them when they aren't active. In Windows 10 they can be done most of the time by changing their values at the Registry Editor or creating  new registry keys.

Image showing Share feature at Settings

If you are one of those who are curious about these components you would definitely want to explore them. Adopting the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system has become exigent not to lose sight of the modern features which come with it or added routinely. 

Many of the applications are now in UWP(Universal Windows Platform).A user interface that allows for an application to be used in different device form factors. For example, it is possible to run the same Skype in Windows 10 desktop environment, Windows mobile phone, tablet, Game console, etc.

 Many features are waiting to be enabled in the Insider Previews as  Microsoft modifies and makes better the operating system in the coming builds. They are usually lying there to be triggered and many people discover them often times. At this point Share feature is one of the recently discovered.

To enable Share Setting feature  follow the instruction below:

Image showing Windows Key + R

STEP 1: Press Windows Key + R to open 'Run'

Red arrows pointing to process

STEP 2: Type or copy and paste Regedit into 'Run' and click on 'OK' to continue.

Image of red arrow indicating HKEY_CURRENT_USER 

STEP 3:  Double-click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER to expand it.

Red arrows indicating process

STEP 4:  Click on 'Control Panel', right-click on the empty right-hand side pane, select 'New' next select  'DWORD(32-bit) Value' to create it.

Red arrows pointing to process

STEP 5:  Rename 'New Value #1' to EnableShareSettings.

Image showing red arrows pointing to process

STEP 6: Right-click on 'EnableShareSettings' and select 'Modify...' from the context menu.

Red arrows indicating process

STEP 7: Change the 'Value data' to 1 and click on ' OK' to close.  Restart the system for changes to take effect.