Tuesday, September 16, 2014

How To Fix 'Microsoft Office 2013 Update' Taking Large Part Of HDD

The hard disk drive space taken up by microsoft office update history files can be used to save other important information to a system. Replicating the same files can take away space and it means you will soon run out of it in a short time for other purposes . These are files which aren't important due to the fact they have been created many times over for the same process.

Image of a data storage system

After installing Microsoft Office 2013 patches and you are having this problem there is the need to forestall it, most especially, in the recent Windows 8.1 update 2 which came with a load of large files meant to secure and fix previous errors found in the operating system. 

Before you go about resorting to this guide, I am going to proffer a solution where you have to make some change first. Make sure you scan your system for any malware that can be a culprit. For example, there is an instance of your hard disk getting infected and displaying red warning at the  local disk C without installing any program. That can be a malware problem. 

The case within the length and breadth of this instruction, I am going to provide, is meant for microsoft office 2013 taking large part of your hard disk after huge files update.

Image showing update history

STEP 1: Clear your Windows Update history. On how to do that visit this link.    

Image of red arrow pointing to link of trusted website for Ccleaner 

STEP 2: Download Ccleaner from the official trusted website piriform and install it.

Red arrow pointing to Tools in Ccleaner

STEP 3: Open Ccleaner and click on  'Tools'.

Image of red arrows pointing to processes

STEP 4: Next, click on 'File Finder' and 'Search' button below Ccleaner dialog to start the process.

Red arrows pointing to processes

STEP 5: Check all the small boxes and Ccleaner will reserve an empty box by default. To the left-hand side click on 'Delete Selected' tab. 

Note: This process doesn't only remove Microsoft Office duplicates but any duplicated files found in your system.