Sunday, October 20, 2013

How To Do Startup Repair In Windows 7 Without A Disc

Windows 7 system failing to start up  is obviously a problem relating to system part replacement recently - in that case a change to hardware is necessary. In many cases there is need to do start-up repair when it fails to boot to your  desktop smoothly. 

Image of A Blue Screen Of Death(BSOD)

It is a situation where your operating system keeps repeating the same routine and unable to get you to your desktop. And, the blue screen of death(BSOD) appears sometimes displaying log information about the cause of the problem. It could be that you are experiencing trouble of blank screen after booting without successfully getting to your desktop environment. This is when it is necessary to do the repair of your system start-up. 

Most people who experience this problem find it difficult to do system start-up repair and simply would try to boot into Safe mode environment. After rebooting, in many cases, return back to the same situation.

This information is a step-by-step instruction to help you fix your system start-up problem if you are experiencing aforementioned problems with your computer.

Image of a power button

STEP 1: Put off your system by holding the power button down till it shut off.

Image showing Windows loading files at Startup

STEP 2: Restart your system and allow the system to boot to 'Windows error recovery' screen.

Image showing red arrow pointing to Launch Startup Repair

STEP 3: Select 'Launch Startup Repair (recommended)' to continue.

Image showing red arrow pointing to Startup Repair

STEP 4: Next click 'Startup Repair' at the 'System Recovery Option' screen to continue.

Image of Startup Repair dialogue

STEP 5:  Wait for the system to go through repair process at 'Startup Repair' dialogue. This process might take a long time. Please, be patient for the repair process to complete.

Image of red arrow pointing to Finish tab

STEP 6: On the 'Startup Repair' which displayed 'Restart your computer to complete the repairs ' beneath click 'Finish' to restart your system.

* If after this process you are still experiencing the same problem visit this LINK .