This is an indication either one of the server certificates to identify potential trusted sites has been outdated or there is a bug with the Google Chrome browser that has been forestalled in recent Google Chrome browsers. If you are using old Google Chrome browser it is time to download the latest.
Image showing Invalid Server Certificate error
However, if you are receiving this error message why trying to visit any website, it is clear you need to do one or more things about the browser to be able to get to the website of interest. If the date and time is correct and other subsequent settings are in order there is need to look further by following this step-by-step information below.
Image showing Google Chrome allowed in Windows 8 Firewall
STEP 1: Check if your Anti-virus and firewall are preventing your Google Chrome browser from visiting any website.
Image of a malicious software removal tool
STEP 2: Scan your system for any malicious software. On how to do that visit this LINK.
Image showing red arrows pointing to Wrench and Settings in Google Chrome
STEP 3: Click on the wrench on the top right-hand corner of your Google Chrome browser and click 'Settings' from the drop-down menu.
Image showing red arrows pointing to 'History' and 'Clear browsing data' in Google Chrome
STEP 4: Click 'History' tab at Settings and click 'Clear browsing data...' to continue.
Image showing red arrow pointing to 'the beginning of time' at Google Chrome Settings
STEP 5: At the 'Clear browsing Data' dialogue box select 'the beginning of time' from the drop-down menu that is beside 'Obliterate the following items from: '
Image showing red arrow pointing to 'Clear browsing data' tab in Google Chrome
STEP 6: Check all the items cleared on the list and click 'Clear browsing data'.
Image of a working Google Chrome browser after troubleshooting
STEP 7: Wait for the data to be cleared and restart your Google Chrome browser.