Tuesday, January 8, 2013

How To Do Selective Installation Of Windows Updates In Windows 8

The basic reason of doing selective installation of Windows updates is to be sure of what you are going to install on your system. There are sometimes error coming from Windows updates that can be as a result of automatic installation of drivers which  are not compatible with your system architecture or system make. 

This type of installation of Windows updates can also help to anticipate the 'Failure Configuring Windows Updates. Reverting Changes ' error.

Image of Control Panel in Windows 8

STEP 1:  Go into your 'Control Panel' and click on 'Windows Updates' to open it.

Image of Windows Update dialogue in Windows 8

STEP 2:  At the Windows Updates dialogue click on '...important updates are available' link.

Image of Select update and install in windows 8

STEP 3:  *From the 'Select updates to install'  click and drag your cursor to highlight all the files.

Image of how to hide updates in Windows 8

STEP 4: Right-click the highlighted updates and select 'Hide Updates'.

Image of  Restore hidden updates in Windows 8

STEP 5: To your right-hand side of the Windows Updates dialogue click 'Restore hidden Updates'.

Image of hidden updates dialogue in Windows 8

STEP 6:  Check the updates you want to install, leave unwanted ones unchecked and click 'Restore'.

Image of checking for updates in Windows 8

STEP 7:  Wait for Windows to check for updates and continue to the next process.

Image of important updates available in Windows 8

STEP 8:  At the next window click ' Install updates'.

Image of Windows Updates downloading files in Windows 8

STEP 9: Windows will  download updates and install them. And, you may be required to restart your system in some cases.

* The reason for you not to unchecked unwanted updates for Windows Update not to  repeat them when checking for updates.