Friday, August 17, 2012

An Invalid Isass.Exe Parameter Was Passed To A Service Or Function In XP

Lsass.exe file is Local Security Authority Subsystem Service, the local security authentication server.What it does is to help Windows verify user Logons. It is located in the System32 folder of the Windows directory(C:\Windows\System32).

This error message of 'An invalid Lsass.exe parameter was passed to a service or function' during Windows installation is a rare occurrence. When one is encountered such problem is likely due to some error emanating from one of those Windows files called Lsassa.exe. There are other forms of this particular file bearing the same name, it is peculiar to be virus. Whatever the case may be there are evidences it is an issue that need urgent attention before  one can continue with the installation process or whatever thing that is been carried out before the trouble surfaces.

Through the process, the Windows installation has been going on smoothly after partition.  It has passed through the format stage and started to copy every necessary files of the Windows operating system, only to be greeted with the aforementioned error when the installation process is about to begin. A dialogue box that pops up came with the invalid message and upon clicking OK, which is the only available option to proceed, the system reboots itself. The same thing continues upon trying to repeat the Windows installation. The very idea of where and why it is occurring at that particular instance is elusive. Every effort to find solution is yielding no positive result.  

Image of Lsass Exe error during Windows Setup

If after trying every thing prescribed by people from Google searches without finding solution, it is right to try this step-by-step instruction, and it works 99% in most cases.

(a) It is caused by Virus (Doesn't usually apply to Windows setup)

Step 1: Visit this LINK on how to remove malicious software from your system.

(b) It is caused by Windows Lsass.exe file problem during installation

Step 1: Make sure your Windows installation CD/DVD is in good condition - check for straches, cracks 
or  dirt and take care of them.

Image of a typical lens cleaner

Step 2: Clean your CD/DVD Player/Writer lens with lens cleaner before proceeding. If you are confidence
of the condition of your system lens there is no need performing this part.

Image of a CD/DVD ROM

Step 3: Insert your Windows installation disc into the Player/writer(CD/DVD ROM).

Image of System loading Windows files

Step 4: Allow the system to load all Windows files.

Image of creating Partitions

Step 5: Follow onscreen instruction to partition the hard disc drive(HDD). 

Image of partitioning Tables

Step 6: Format the hard disk drive(HDD) to default table.If it is File Allocation Table(FAT) that is the previous format, please, format it to that. Else, Use New  Technology File System (NTFS).  * This is actually, where the trouble is emanating from.

Image of formatting the partition 

Step 7: Allow the system to format the table after partitioning.

Image of Windows installation screen

Step 8: Allow the system to copy all the neccessary Windows files and restart to continue with installation.

Step 9: After finishing Windows installation continue with creating your system Windows settings.

*This part must be done right for the error message 'An invalid Lsass.exe parameter was passed to a service or function' to disappear or stop coming up.